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Employee Spotlight —— With Chloe Nash

In the latest edition of our #EmployeeSpotlight series, we caught up with one of Hitec’s newest members of the team, Chloe Nash to discover why she enjoys her role as Regional Account Manager, what she enjoys about working at Hitec and her aims for her first year.

What is your job role at Hitec?

Regional Account Manager.

How long have you been working at Hitec?

1 month +

What does your job role involve?

Building new customer relationships & offering the best possible service to customers.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

Being able to meet new people every day.

What do you enjoy most about Hitec and why would you recommend working there?

I enjoy the close-knit family feel and the positive working environment. I would recommend Hitec at any opportunity.

What’s your favourite film?

Finding Nemo.

Favourite meal?

Mac & Cheese.

Favourite Musician?


If you could be any celebrity, who would it be and why?

Bear Grylls – to explore more of nature.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Listen to words said and not the tone spoken.

What are you hoping to achieve in your first year at Hitec?

I am hoping to build great customer relationships and get to see what all my customers do in their day to day lives.

What are your biggest attributes and skills that you’re bringing to Team Hitec?

A friendly atmosphere and a listening ear.

What do you enjoy most about working at Hitec so far?

I enjoy working with my team, the support around is amazing and we all work together so well. 

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