As some of you may know, back in June our very own Adam Lantsbery and Hannah Newman-Plummer took part in the Waendel Walk to help raise money for local mental health charity, Wellingborough Mind. The walk itself was a great success and involved thousands of people, some fundraising for various causes and some just participating for the fun of it.
Today, Hannah and Adam had the priviledge to sit down with the Chief Executive of Wellingborough Mind, Nigel Mansfield, to talk about how the money raised by Hitec (£452.50) will be used to help support the local community. A charity very close to the hearts of both walk participants, Mind also runs ‘Crisis Cafe‘ a drop in service on Friday and Saturday nights for anyone who wants or needs any support.
Adam was particularly touched when he heard more about the work that Mind did; ‘It was great talking to Nigel, I wasn’t fully aware of all of Mind’s wider activities in our local community, Hitec will certainly work to become more involved in the future.’
‘With plans to take part in the walk again next year (and get more of our team involved!) meeting Nigel was a fantastic opportunity and Mind is a genuinely wonderful cause to get behind. Hitec are very proud to support Wellingborough Mind.‘
If you’d like to find out more about Wellingborough Mind, please click here.